Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


for Ogo-Gorod

Book cover design

Illustrations by V.Chizhikov

Design of the book covers

Illustrations by D.Nikiforiva

Series Design of Book covers

Illustrations by G.Spirin

domino animals

Australian animals for Mir Detstva

African animals for Mir Detstva

When the Angels Rest

Lanchenkar and Arithmetic

Elephant Lanchenkar on Ceylon

Notes and Sketches Concerning Second Trip along Blue Sun Island

Second Trip along Blue Sun Island

Ticking House

Babahi. storry by Anrey Pronkin



random drawings


the cap with the crucians

the cap with the crucians

Koval's museum

christmas festival

for SALDUMI chocolate

Carroll's tea

illustrations for Marta juice

calendar for Mir Detstva

catalog for Etti-detti 2010

catalog for Etti-detti

for the White Tale

Illustrayions for the Tenchoy's books


the TV-cock (for KUKUMBER magazine)

the elephant

The Drake